Sunday, December 13, 2020

This Week: Dec 13-19!!

 Wow! We are going back to back for a second gold ball! I am so proud of the boys and I am so thankful for God's hand this season. 

There is a lot of information for you this week so hold onto your seats Patriots Fans!....

M- 2-5:15 PM
T- 7th Hour Final (Lift and Film 7:55-9:50 AM) Practice from 3:15-6:15 PM
*Boys will get Take State Locker Magnet
W- 1:30-4:30 PM
R- 1:30-4:10 PM
F- 1:30-3:15)
*Boys will get Gold Spirit Bags filled with goodies after practice

7:45 AM Booster Club will provide Chicken biscuit, hash browns, juice & water.
8:20 AM Bus Leaves- The players will all ride the bus together to the game. Cliff bars provided. 
11:00 AM Protein Bars, Grapes, Oranges, and Water provided.
12:30 PM Moms Prayer front row of the stands

1:00 PM Championship Game

4:00ish PM Moms Closing Prayer and Thanksgiving North End Zone
4:20ish PM Pizza, Bundt Cakes, Gatorade & Water for After Game Meal
6:00ish PM Fans meet at Metro to welcome the team home! Fans cheer for the team as they get off and unload the bus. This is a special time for players, coaches and families that come to celebrate. Please join us!

From Coach McCoy- It is our team philosophy that we want to take pressure off of our kids by not overdoing it this week. As a coaching staff and community we have had lots of experience with big games and in our experience unusual pregame/big game celebrations that happen tend to add pressure on our kids. We prefer to celebrate BIG TIME, when we win, instead of celebrating that we made it!!! Thank you for an amazing year! We've all felt super blessed and supported by our families and community. 

How can you help? I have created a sign up of things that we need help with on Saturday morning. Please click on this link to view and sign up. All items will need to be donated and delivered to the school by 7:30 AM on Saturday morning. You all are so awesome! So many have already asked how they can help! Thank you for your support! 

Banquet Information: We are looking forward to celebrating with you and thanking the Lord for this wonderful football season together! Our plan for our year end Metro Football Banquet has a tentative date of Tuesday, January 26. The COVID-19 Safety plan has been submitted to the Tulsa Health Department and we are awaiting its approval. 

Shout outs: 
-Thank you to RIB CRIB for giving us 25% off our order to feed our team this last week!

-Thank you to our fans! Wow! You all did a great job with your excitement this past week. Thank you for all the noisemakers supplied by our football Mommas and the Penland family. I also was really proud to see so many of you loving one another and protecting one another by wearing your masks to the game. Patriot Fans are awesome!! Let's be an example of this again this next week as we play for the gold ball!! 

-Thank you to Tommy Campbell for the artwork for our TAKE STATE locker magnets! 

-Thank you to our Chain Gang! Your faithful service this year is very much appreciated!

-Thank you to our team photographers: Matt James, Jennifer Long & Tommy Campbell! It is such a joy to see your hard work in capturing these wonderful game moments for us each week. Thank you for using your gifts and talents to bless us!

Reimbursement Forms Needed: If you have purchased a booster club meal or halftime snacks we need you to turn those forms with the receipt into Tanda by Tuesday, December 22. The form is located on our website listed below. Thank you! 

Metro Gold Gear: You should have gotten an email to order gear. Order ends Monday at noon. Pickup is Friday for those items. 

Wow..I think that is it for now. Please email me separately if you have any questions. Please continue to pray for our players this week as they heal and prepare for the game. Please cover our coaching staff in your prayers as they pour into our boys and lead them well. We have so much to be thankful for! I look forward to cheering our team on to victory on Saturday with you all! Go Pats! Bring home that gold ball!! 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

This Week: Dec 6-12


How do you possibly find the words to recap our game Friday night? 4th and 23! It sure seemed impossible at the time. What a great testimony to see that impossible things can be accomplished with God’s help! What a fantastic last two minutes of the game this week! With God’s Help we will do mighty things! The good news is that God is not done with our Metro Patriots football team this year….He is still working…and we are still playing!! We take on OCS this Friday night on our home field! Praise the Lord! 

This Week:
M- 5:15 PM
T- 6:15 PM
W- 4:40 PM
R- 4:00 PM
F- Home Game vs OCS 7 PM
2:45 PM Team Meal- Rib Crib
6:30 PM Moms Prayer

S 9-11 AM Film & Lift- Donut Holes Provided

-If you have helped purchase a meal please get your receipts turned in to Tanda with the reimbursement form that is located on our website link below. 

-Please be looking for an email to come from the athletic office to purchase tickets this week.

-12th Man! A huge shout out to our fans this week! You guys were loud and our boys could feel your support! Rest those voices this week. Bring your cowbells and noise makers. Let's join together to support our team in a great way on Friday! 

Oh man, I am praying for our boys. God is up to some mighty things!! See y'all Friday! Go Pats! 

This Week: November 28 to December 4

 Hello Everyone!I hope and pray that you had a great Thanksgiving week! I wanted to take a moment to communicate with you what this coming w...