When: Wednesday, May 26
Time: 8:15 AM- 9:00 AM
Please join us as we gather snack items to stock our totes for the weight room. If you can send some snacks with your player this day or drop them off with Charlene and Myself in front of the boys locker room door after drop off that would be great!
Snack Ideas: (all individually wrapped)
Kind Bars
Beef Jerky
Protein Bars
Granola Bars
Peanut Butter Crackers
Trail Mix
Mixed Nuts
Mixed Dried Fruit
Chex Mix
Gold Fish
For Nut Allergy Boys: you can supply some safe things for your son that he likes and we can add them to the tote or you can have him put them in his bag each lift day to grab from.
It takes a village and we are thankful for your help in feeding our boys!!