Sunday, August 29, 2021

This Week: August 29- September 4


What a fun night of football! It was so wonderful to see you all and to see our boys on the field again! It is always amazing to me to look back to our first games as we reach the end of the season to truly see how much our team has grown. God is working. God is stretching these boys in big ways. God is unifying them as a team. God is strengthening them as they continue to train and learn. God is using great men (our coaches!) to pour into our boys each week! We have so very much to be thankful for!

Thank you to the moms that came out and prayed before the game this week. It was such a blessing to be with you and cover our team in prayer together. Please continue to pray with us that the Lord would use this game that we call football for His glory. He is so faithful! 

This Week:

M- 5:20

T- 6:30



Thursday Spirit Bags & Gatorade provided by the Booster Club

F- No School. No Pre-Game Meal, Please have your player at Metro by 3pm

Away Game at NOAH

Field Location: Broken Arrow Freshman Academy, 101st & Elm

Halftime Snack and Pizza provided by the Booster Club after the game


S- 7-8 am Treatments as needed. Please sign up for a time slot. 

8 am- Team & Individual Pictures. Be at Metro no later than 7:45am, must be on the field, suited up and ready for pics at 8:00am sharp!

No Lift or Film    


Sunday- No Practice

Monday- No Practice

We need help with our film crew for Friday. Can you help serve? Please contact Andrew Connor at or 918.760.4371.

Thank you to everyone that served this past Friday! Freshmen Dads did a great job setting up the helmet. Thank you for being a vital part of Metro Football! 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Updates and Action Items

 Hi Everyone!

I hope and pray that you are having a great week! Are you ready for some Metro Patriots Football?

-Game time has been moved to 7:30 pm
-All tickets will be purchased at the gate
-Moms Prayer 7:00 pm in the North End Zone 

Action Items:
URGENT- Needs to be completed this evening. The coaches have been telling players all week. Please check with your players and make sure they have completed the Concussion Baseline Test
More Info here:

Booster Club Fees
We are at 73%. We need your help in getting your Booster Club Fees Paid. We cannot accomplish all the things the Lord has in store this year without your partnership. Please make sure to get this taken care of in the next few days. 
 Booster Club Fees
$295.00 via Cash or Check made out to TCEC Metro Football Booster Club
You can mail in to:
Tanda Francis
Price Edwards & Co.
7633 E 63rd Place
Suite 400
Tulsa, OK 74133

CASHAPP Option: Metro has asked us to make this a business account and so a fee is added for each transaction. That fee is added to your Booster Club Fee. If paying by Cashapp please send $305.00 to $mcafbbooster

Your Booster Club Fees were in action today encouraging and taking care of our team!
Each player received a locker magnet and was prayed over. Each player recieved a Thursday Spirit Bag as they came off the practice field today. The boys were super excited about this! Thank you to everyone that serves each week! You all make Metro Football Awesome! 

Thank you to Tommy Campbell for the Locker Magnet artwork! They look so great! 

Sign Up for Saturday Morning Treatments Before Workouts & Film
Your player must sign up for a spot if they need treatments from the Athletic Trainers on Saturday. Link is here:

A Special Shout out to Rib Crib! They were able to provide us with a 25% discount to feed our team tomorrow! Thank you Rib Crib! 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Saturday, August 28 Treatments

 Kimberly Taylor, who is our Metro Athletic Trainer, has made a sign up available for players to receive treatments on Saturday morning after the game. Please have your player sign up for a time slot here as needed:

Baseline Concussion Testing

 A note from our head athletic trainer:

Please make sure your player has completed this task

It is the time of year to do concussion baseline testing. This is a simple test that can be done on the athletes' phones or tablets once they download the Sway Medical app. Baseline tests are completed once a year to establish a "normal" range for each athlete to be compared to in the event that they sustain a hit to the head and need to be evaluated. This year, the boys are responsible for taking their baseline test on their own, outside of practice time. Please help the coaches and athletic trainer communicate to them the importance of selecting a quiet place to test and staying focused during the test. A good baseline test could potentially be the difference between receiving a proper diagnosis to keep all the boys as safe as possible during this season. All grades must complete this test by Thursday, August 26th. To take the baseline test, the boys need to download the Sway Medical app onto their phones. Once they download and open the app, they need to follow the directions listed below:

  1. Select "Enter Code" at the bottom of the login page. The code is 69127.
  2. Enter their name. Click "Next: Basic Information"
  3. Enter information requested. Click "Next: Education Information"
  4. Enter information requested. Click "Next: Medical Information"
  5. Answer the two questions asked.
  6. Choose to create an account. Use an email that you check regularly and a password that you will remember. 
  7. Choose "Complete"
  8. Choose test number one "Symptoms Only". Follow the directions displayed and start the test. 
  9. Once completed with test number one, move to test number two, and follow directions. Repeat until all 6 tests are completed. 
  10. There is currently no need to complete the COVID-19 test. Once they reach this point, they can close the app and be done. 
Please note that test scores will be reviewed and need to be taken seriously. If an athlete receives a score on any test that is outside of normal ranges, they will be asked to take that particular test again. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. This is such a great tool that we are blessed enough to have access to in order to help keep our boys safe. 

Kimberly Taylor, LAT, ATC
Head Athletic Trainer
Metro Christian Academy 

This Week: August 22-28

 Friday in Seminole sure was hot but so wonderful to see our Metro Patriots on the field again! Our boys did so great! 

Here is what this week looks like:
M- 5:00 (with heat breaks up to 5:45pm)
T- 6:00 (with heat breaks up to 6:45 pm)
W- 5:00 (with heat breaks up to 5:15 pm)
R- 4:30 (Heat Restriction Off), Spirit Snack Bag Provided by Metro Booster Club 

F- 2:45 pm Rib Crib Meal Provided by Metro Booster Club in MCA Cafeteria
     7 pm Game vs Checotah
     Halftime Snack Provided by Metro Booster Club
     6:30 pm Moms Prayer before the Game- North Endzone

S- 8-9 am Trainer Kimberly Taylor available to see and help players 
    9-11 am Film & Lift  Donut Holes provided by Metro Booster Club
Please Get your Booster Club Dues Paid. We need your help to accomplish all the things the Lord has in store for our team this year! 

Game Day Film Crew- We need two more volunteers for home and away games. Can you help this week? Please contact Andrew Connor at or 918.760.4371. 

See you all soon for Friday Night Football! Go Patriots! 

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Father & Son Breakfast

 We had a wonderful Father & Son Breakfast this morning! Thank you to all the families that provided food...we had the best spread EVER! Thank you to Ruth Penland and Kelly Wolfinbarger, Dustin Cupp, & Nate Nauman for all your help in planning this special event for our team. Thank you to all of those that volunteered today to make this event possible! 

Thursday, August 19, 2021

More Details for this Week

 Hi Families!

I hope you are excited about the football scrimmage tomorrow! I cannot wait to see the team on the field doing what they love!

Here are some more details for you about the Scrimmage Friday, August 20:
- All Boys will suit up and go to the Scrimmage
-All Boys will stay after school
-The Booster Club provides a meal for the team in the Cafeteria (Waldo's this week!)
-All Boys will load up on the bus and head to Seminole 
-Underclassmen will play first 5:00 pm
-Upperclassmen will play second 7:00ish
-Halftime Snacks are provided by the Booster Club
-A pizza and bottle of water is provided for each player by the Booster Club for the ride home
-All Boys will ride the bus back to Metro. (If parents need an exception they will need to email Coach McCoy for approval
-Freshmen boys are in charge of equipment, loading the bus, and unloading the bus (Please plan to wait for your freshmen player until they have completed these tasks)

Saturday, August 21
8:00 am Moms Drop off of Food & Donations to the northeast crosswalk MCA 
8:30-9:30 am Breakfast in the MCA Cafeteria
9:30-11:30 am Film & Lift 

Metro Athletic Fee
This is payable to the Athletic office and is charged per sport that your student plays. This link will be on Veracross but it is not available yet. You will get an email from the athletic office when this is available to pay. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Picture Day Scheduled

 When: Saturday, September 4th  (Labor Day Weekend)

Time: 8 AM Sharp

From Coach McCoy:
I know this is the Saturday of Labor Day weekend; however, we cannot coordinate a better date without interrupting our practice schedule or elementary football games at Metro on Saturdays.  Everyone should be at the varsity game vs. NOAH the night before and we are just asking families that are traveling to wait and leave after pics Saturday morning.  Because the next week is our varsity "bye" week, we will not bring the kids in for practice on Monday (Labor Day), which should give everyone a little extra weekend.

We will get you the order form as soon as it is available. 

Sunday, August 15, 2021

This Week: August 15-21

 Hey Everyone! 

Here is what the week looks like:

M- 5:00 (heat as late as 5:45)
T- 6:00 (heat as late as 6:45)
W- 2:30-5:00 (heat as late as 5:45)
R- 2:30-4:30 (heat as late as 5:15)
F- 2:00 pm Meal Cafeteria- Waldo's Chicken
     2:45 pm Bus Leaves
     5:00 Scrimmage @Seminole (Younger players will play first)

Please remember that your players will come off the field and need to go to the locker room to change and grab stuff. Pick up time will not be exact. Please coordinate a plan with your player.

Please remember that your player needs to bring a water container to practice. We will have jugs to refill on the field. 

We are blessed to have Waldo's Chicken and Beer as a Corporate Sponsor this year! They have agreed to partner with us and provide two meals to our team! Go God! Please help us and show your support to Waldo's. Be sure to tell them thank you from Metro Football when you stop in for their fantastic chicken. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Open Practice


First Day of pads tomorrow. Practice is open to parents if you would like to come and check out our Metro Patriots. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Father & Son Breakfast Sign Ups

We are thrilled to be able to host the Father and Son Breakfast this year on Saturday, August 21 from 8:30-9:30 in the Metro Cafeteria.

 In order to make this event free and successful we depend on each of our families to sign up to help. Please join us in making this the best Father & Son Breakfast to date! 

Ruth Penland is leading out this year in coordinating the food we need to feed our hungry guys. Please click here to sign up:

Kelly Wolfinbarger is leading out this year in coordinating our volunteer moms or dads that would like to help us set up, receive food, and clean up after the event. 
Please click here to sign up:

Quick Update

 I hope and pray that your boys had a great first day of school!

Quick Updates:
1- The Friday, August 20 Scrimmage is away at Seminole. We apologize that this was not posted correctly. Thank you for your support and flexibility. Join us in Seminole for our first scrimmage of the season!

2- Booster Club Fees
$295.00 via Cash or Check made out to TCEC Metro Football Booster Club
You can mail in to:
Tanda Francis
Price Edwards & Co.
7633 E 63rd Place
Suite 400
Tulsa, OK 74133

CASHAPP Option: Metro has asked us to make this a business account and so a fee is added for each transaction. That fee is added to your Booster Club Fee. If paying by Cashapp please send $305.00 to $mcafbbooster

3- Parent Meeting Friday, August 13 6-7 pm in the MCA Auditorium
**Moms! You want to join us for this so you can sign up to serve the team this year. We have the best time loving on our boys and taking care of the team together. Please plan on joining us! 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

This week: August 8-14

 Hi Everyone!

Here we go! This will be the first of many Sunday night emails to let you know what is going on this week. Are you ready for some Metro football?....

1- First week of Practice
Monday, 8/9            7:00-9:45 am
Tuesday, 8/10         7:00-9:45 am
Wednesday, 8/11    12:30-4:45 pm (1/2 Day of school, Please have players bring a light snack/lunch with them to school. This time includes weight room lift & heat index breaks)
Thursday, 8/12        11:45-4:00 pm  (1/2 Day of school, Please have players bring a light snack/lunch with them to school. This time includes weight room lift & heat index breaks)
Friday, 8/13             2:3--5:40 pm (Parent Meeting immediately following)

*Things to note: 
-This is an estimate of the time the practice time will end. You will need to allow time for boys to come off the field, go to the locker room and collect their things before they are able to leave. 
-Your player always needs a water container. We have jugs of water they can refill their container with during practice.

2- Parent Meeting- Friday, August 13  6:00-7:00 pm               MCA Auditorium
**We need at least one parent for each player to attend. 
This is a time where the Coaches and Booster Club speak directly with parents about Metro Football. This is also the time that families will sign up to help serve the team throughout the year. We need everyone to make this another successful year! Please plan on joining us! 

3-Booster Club Fees
Booster Club player fees will be $295 per player this year. These fees help us to pay for player food, drinks, halftime snacks, Thursday spirit bags, locker magnets, Saturday donuts for film and lift, t-shirts, banquet ticket and so much more! 

Tanda will be available at the parent meeting Friday to receive cash or check. We are also working on a CASHAPP option and should have that information soon. If you need to mail in your booster club fee, please send to:
Tanda Francis
Price Edwards & Co.
7633 E 63rd Place
Suite 400
Tulsa, OK 74133

Please make Checks payable to: TCEC Metro Football Booster Club

4- Father & Son Breakfast Saturday, August 21
Please RSVP here:

5- Physicals are DUE. Your son cannot practice Monday without one on file. Please contact

6- Please make sure that your Electronic Forms are completed. 

I am praying for your boys! God is up to some great and mighty things! 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Action Item: Physicals


Your player will need a physical on file with trainer Kimberly Taylor by this coming Monday, August 9th in order to practice. Please email forms to:


Here is the OSSAA physical form link:

We did a big push for this in May and provided an opportunity for sport physicals at Metro. Coach McCoy says that we have about half of our players without this on file at the current time. Please email Kimberly if you cannot remember if you have turned in one. Please send your forms in or with your player on Monday so they will be able to practice. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Father & Son Breakfast


It's Baaaack!

We have approval for the Father & Son Breakfast and we are thrilled to be able to host this event again this year.


When: Saturday, August 21

Time: 8:30 -9:30 am  (Players will do lift and film directly after from 9:30-11:30 am)

Where: MCA Cafeteria


Moms- Ruth Penland & Kelly Wolfinbarger will be helping me in leading out this year. Thank you ladies!! We are able to provide this event at no charge because all of our families sign up for potluck items to provide for this breakfast. Please be on the lookout for the signup for breakfast items and for our signup for moms to serve during this event.


Dads- Dustin Cupp & Nate Nauman will be leading out in this special event for you and your boys. Please RSVP by using this Google Form:

Electronic Forms Information

 Message for the Parents of Middle School and High School Athletes for 2021-22:

Greetings from Metro Christian Athletics! We are a proud member of the Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association (OSSAA). The OSSAA has specific forms which must be completed for your student to be eligible to participate in athletics. We have an electronic system in place where you can easily complete and submit these forms.

Simply go to and click on “Electronic Forms” in the top center section of the page. The system is self-explanatory from there. After carefully reading the information on the Home page. please click “Proceed to Online Forms” at the bottom. You will then be directed to the Parent Login page where you will want to be sure to create a new account so that you can track the progress of your student’s paperwork.

Once all paperwork is submitted and accepted into your student’s file, we will review and determine eligibility status and participation level.

The only form that you cannot submit online is the physical form. Your student must have a current physical on file before being allowed to practice or participate. If your student has had a physical this year, we can use it if it was completed on May 1st or later. If not, you can download the form from this website and take it to a local physician to get a physical. The physical form should then be submitted directly to the Athletic Office for review by the athletic trainer.

This Week: November 28 to December 4

 Hello Everyone!I hope and pray that you had a great Thanksgiving week! I wanted to take a moment to communicate with you what this coming w...