Sunday, August 16, 2020

This Week: August 16-22


Well, I cannot believe we are here but the good Lord has made a way for us and we are off to our second week of school and our first scrimmage this week! Can I just say Praise the Lord!! Our boys and coaches are so excited to be back at it! I find myself filled with a full heart of gratefulness to such a good God who goes before us. Well, here we go!!

This week's schedule:

Monday- 2-5:15 PM

Tuesday- 2-6:15 PM (Includes Workout-Bring tennis shoes)

Wednesday- 2- 5:15 PM

Thursday- Scrimmage!! Parents are welcome. Please social distance and adhere to Metro's screening policy. Players will stay after school and be fed a meal before the scrimmage. (They are normally starving after as well. :) ) 

5PM 9th


7PM Varsity-most players will play in more than one part

Friday- 2-5 PM Film/Conditioning/Lifting

*I will send an email if we run into heat breaks and thus pickup times are pushed back.

Action Items:

1- Locker Magnets Document- See email sent last week. Please make sure you confirm your son's name, number and locker number. If you have problems changing it on the form please just shoot me an email.

2- Electronic Forms- See email sent last week. This is due by Thursday. 

3- Fundraising Cards due back in by this Friday, August 21


-We are still waiting on approval for an in person football meeting. Moms, there will be plenty of opportunities to sign up to serve the team this year. If this meeting doesn't happen soon I will start setting up signup genius for each area. Thank you for contacting me and your willing hearts to serve!

-There is still time to join our Super Boosters! Contact Quinn Bierman at Thank you to those that have already teamed up to support Metro Football even more this year! We cannot do this without your help. You are appreciated. 

Beth Dancer sent me this to share. I just love it. Please be praying for our coaches this week. Please be praying for our players this week. 

️ That he would grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.

️ Protection over his body. I prayed specially over body parts and over his pads, that they would do their job in protecting him.

️That he would grow in his understanding of the game, and excel in every area.

️That he would have an eternal impact on his coaches and his teammates with his words and actions.

️That he would be on purpose to pour into his teammates. I pray he would be an encourager and a leader in every area.

️That he would surprise people with his heart, stamina, and work ethic.

️That he would make memories and learn lessons this seasons that he would carry with him forever.

️That every single player would be safe and become better men because of this season.

️Protection from all fear and that they would be allowed to play their entire season.

️Healthy players

️Wisdom for the coaches and encouragement for them. Pray protection over their families, days of rest and joy in the Lord.

️That angels would encamp about him and the team, guarding and guiding them in all of their ways.

️That he would have the strength of Sampson, the wisdom of Solomon, and the courage of David.


May we turn our fears and worries into prayers , and fill our kids lives with the power of prayer.

 Let's Go Patriots! Can't wait to see you all at the field on Thursday. 

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