Sunday, August 30, 2020

This Week: August 30- September 5

 Practice Times for this week:

Monday 2-5:30

 Tuesday 2-6:30

 Wednesday 2-4:30 

Thursday 2-4:00

Friday- Home Game vs Noah

Players need to arrive at Metro at 4:00 PM. Please eat at home by 3:00 PM.

Saturday- No Lift & Film

Monday, September 7- Labor Day 2:00-4:00 PM- Film & Helmet Only Conditioning

Father & Son Breakfast- We are conducting a survey to see what interest we have for this event. Please click on the link below and fill out the form by Saturday, September 5


Thank you Mommas! All positions are now filled. If you didn't get to sign up just let me know and I can find a spot for you to help someone. Thank you for serving the team and loving our boys so well!!

Booster Club Dues- We are at 80% paid today. We were hoping to collect all dues by today. Please contact Tanda if you need to make arrangements. 

$255 per player. Cashapp: $qbierman 

Venmo: @Quinn-Bierman

Note for both: MFBC Booster Dues

Super Booster Support is now Closed! God showed up in a BIG way this year providing over $17,000! It has been a record year! It is truly amazing to see all the wonderful things we are going to do together with your support. Go God! Go Metro Patriots Football!  

We didn't come away with a win this week but the Lord has been reminding me that He is still at work. I see Him at work in the lives of our coaches investing into our players. I see Him at work in our players growing each time they are on the field. I see Him at work as the athletic trainers serve the team so well. I see Him at work as our boys continue to be challenged spiritually. I see Him at work in your families as you are connecting and coming together to support one another during this challenging year. God is at work! The verse He gave me this morning was: "Let patience have its perfect work, so that you may be perfect, and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:4. What an exciting time to trust in the Lord and have patience as He continues to work in and through us in this coming year!

 I am excited to be back on our own field as we face the Noah Jaguars this Friday night! Let's go Patriots!

Spiritual Conditioning this week:

NOAH Week-Read Numbers 21:1:9; Numbers 21:10-20; Numbers 22:1-21; Numbers 22:22-41; Numbers 25:1-18

MEMORY VERSE: John 3:14-15 “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.”

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