Sunday, August 30, 2020

This Week: August 30- September 5

 Practice Times for this week:

Monday 2-5:30

 Tuesday 2-6:30

 Wednesday 2-4:30 

Thursday 2-4:00

Friday- Home Game vs Noah

Players need to arrive at Metro at 4:00 PM. Please eat at home by 3:00 PM.

Saturday- No Lift & Film

Monday, September 7- Labor Day 2:00-4:00 PM- Film & Helmet Only Conditioning

Father & Son Breakfast- We are conducting a survey to see what interest we have for this event. Please click on the link below and fill out the form by Saturday, September 5


Thank you Mommas! All positions are now filled. If you didn't get to sign up just let me know and I can find a spot for you to help someone. Thank you for serving the team and loving our boys so well!!

Booster Club Dues- We are at 80% paid today. We were hoping to collect all dues by today. Please contact Tanda if you need to make arrangements. 

$255 per player. Cashapp: $qbierman 

Venmo: @Quinn-Bierman

Note for both: MFBC Booster Dues

Super Booster Support is now Closed! God showed up in a BIG way this year providing over $17,000! It has been a record year! It is truly amazing to see all the wonderful things we are going to do together with your support. Go God! Go Metro Patriots Football!  

We didn't come away with a win this week but the Lord has been reminding me that He is still at work. I see Him at work in the lives of our coaches investing into our players. I see Him at work in our players growing each time they are on the field. I see Him at work as the athletic trainers serve the team so well. I see Him at work as our boys continue to be challenged spiritually. I see Him at work in your families as you are connecting and coming together to support one another during this challenging year. God is at work! The verse He gave me this morning was: "Let patience have its perfect work, so that you may be perfect, and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:4. What an exciting time to trust in the Lord and have patience as He continues to work in and through us in this coming year!

 I am excited to be back on our own field as we face the Noah Jaguars this Friday night! Let's go Patriots!

Spiritual Conditioning this week:

NOAH Week-Read Numbers 21:1:9; Numbers 21:10-20; Numbers 22:1-21; Numbers 22:22-41; Numbers 25:1-18

MEMORY VERSE: John 3:14-15 “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.”

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Wildcats vs Metro Favorite Pics


Thanks again to ARVEST and Chris & Jolie Hodges for the Roster Cards.
Final Score
Wildcats VS Patriots

**Many more fantastic pictures located on our Shutterfly Share Group

Friday, August 28, 2020

Paris Wildcats VS Metro Patriots Game Link

 LIVE streaming for Paris Wildcat Football! We are blessed this year to have First Baptist Church filming our HOME football games. You can watch all home games on their YouTube channel (link below) or on local tv channel 16. Thank you First Baptist Church of Paris!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Team Meeting Notes 8-25-20


It was so fun to see you all and meet some new families last night at the team meeting. I am going to attach information for you that was shared.

 -Special things to note

Lock for locker in the football locker room- Your boys need a combination lock for the football lockers while they are at practice. They need to secure their belongings. We normally do not have problems with things being missing from the locker room however it will happen on occasion. The boys are so trusting. This last week my son's air pods went missing from his locker. The boys normally just pile up their wallet, keys and airpods on the top shelf of their locker and go to practice. They don't think about how many boys could be coming in and out of the locker room while they are outside at practice. Please buy a lock. Please send one with your son. 

 Bus travel to Paris, TX- the team will be taking two chartered busses to help with spacing. The boys will all ride home this coming week on the bus. For further games boys will be allowed to ride with parents home from the games to help with spacing on the bus. Perhaps freshmen and sophomores that do not drive- this would be a great opportunity for them ride home with parents to free up space so the boys can social distance better. Upperclassmen will still have vehicles at the school they will need to drive home. 

 Moms- Thank you for signing up to serve! You all are wonderful! If you were unable to attend the meeting last night and you can help us take care of the team this year with meals please reply back and let me know you can serve in one of the spots below. I have 7 spots left available that we need to fill. These are all reimbursed by the Booster Club. We have a lead contact mom for each group that will contact you, help you, and answer any questions you have. All specific information is located on the website under "links you need". 

Coaches Meal- Home Game

 Friday, Nov 6

 JV & Freshmen Games Food

Monday, Sept 14- 

Monday, October 5

Monday, October 12

 Away Games Pizza for after the game (This is typically Freshmen and Sophomore Moms)

Friday, Sep 18

Friday, Sept 25

Friday, Oct 9


Booster Club Fees are Due this week. $255.00

Metro Football Booster Club- Checks made to MFBC

You can arrange to get a check to Tanda, Treasurer 918-630-9991

Cashapp: $qbierman      Please Note: MFBC Booster Dues

Venmo: @Quinn-Bierman     Please Note: MFBC Booster Dues


Metro Sport Fee- $100.00- Not available to pay yet but I will get you info as soon as it is available. 


Super Boosters!! Have you been thinking about and praying about investing in our Metro Christian Academy Football Super Boosters Program this year?  LAST CHANCE is this week to get involved in a huge way! We need you. The boys need you. God can use you! We appreciate your prayerful consideration in joining our Super Boosters this year! Please contact for more info. 


Last night I placed the upperclassmen magnets and Kersten Speer placed the freshmen players' magnets on their school lockers. We took time to pray over your boys! What a joy it is to be able to play football this week. Praise the Lord! Please continue to pray for coaches and players as we continue to prepare for week one. See y'all Friday at the game! I was thinking this morning that 2020 has been so interesting but the good news is we all get to go to Paris this year! :) Let's go Pats!! 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

This Week: August 23-29


1-Parent Meeting: Tuesday, August 25

-Masks needed and please adhere to Metro Screening Policy.

-I have asked the Metro Store to open during this time so that you can purchase Metro gear if you would like. 

-Bring your checkbooks: Booster Club Fees Due $255.00 per player.

Checks payable to: MFBC

cashapp: $qbierman Note: MFBC Booster Club Dues

venmo: @qbierman  Note: MFBC Booster Club Dues

-Please plan to attend the meeting

-We have lots of ways to serve and help feed our players and coaches this year. Please plan to be a part! Together we can do great things! 


2- Practice Information

M: 2-5:30

T: 2-6:30 (weight room added)

W: 2-4:30 (helmet only)

R- 2-4:30


3- Game Information

Game 1 @ Paris, TX 7 PM

-Boys will be released at noon

-Bus leaves 12:30 PM

- Boys will get a meal getting on the bus and we will have a meal packed for them for dinner. They will also get a pizza after the game. If your player is a big eater you may want to pack some protein bars but there will be plenty of food. 

- All players suit up

-All players will ride the bus to and from the game with the team

-Freshmen players are in charge of unloading the bus after arrival back at Metro

- Fan Policy- I do not have specifics on this but will get you the information as it becomes available.


4- Saturday, August 29 Film & Lift 10AM-12PM

-Delayed start for late arrival after game Friday night 

Shutterfly Share Site


We have a Shutterfly Share Site set up for this year. You should have received an invite from Shutterfly to join.

 If you did not please contact

 We would like to ask that you click on your player's name on the site roster and add a picture. If you cannot figure that out please email a picture to Randie Graves above. Thanks!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

This Week: August 16-22


Well, I cannot believe we are here but the good Lord has made a way for us and we are off to our second week of school and our first scrimmage this week! Can I just say Praise the Lord!! Our boys and coaches are so excited to be back at it! I find myself filled with a full heart of gratefulness to such a good God who goes before us. Well, here we go!!

This week's schedule:

Monday- 2-5:15 PM

Tuesday- 2-6:15 PM (Includes Workout-Bring tennis shoes)

Wednesday- 2- 5:15 PM

Thursday- Scrimmage!! Parents are welcome. Please social distance and adhere to Metro's screening policy. Players will stay after school and be fed a meal before the scrimmage. (They are normally starving after as well. :) ) 

5PM 9th


7PM Varsity-most players will play in more than one part

Friday- 2-5 PM Film/Conditioning/Lifting

*I will send an email if we run into heat breaks and thus pickup times are pushed back.

Action Items:

1- Locker Magnets Document- See email sent last week. Please make sure you confirm your son's name, number and locker number. If you have problems changing it on the form please just shoot me an email.

2- Electronic Forms- See email sent last week. This is due by Thursday. 

3- Fundraising Cards due back in by this Friday, August 21


-We are still waiting on approval for an in person football meeting. Moms, there will be plenty of opportunities to sign up to serve the team this year. If this meeting doesn't happen soon I will start setting up signup genius for each area. Thank you for contacting me and your willing hearts to serve!

-There is still time to join our Super Boosters! Contact Quinn Bierman at Thank you to those that have already teamed up to support Metro Football even more this year! We cannot do this without your help. You are appreciated. 

Beth Dancer sent me this to share. I just love it. Please be praying for our coaches this week. Please be praying for our players this week. 

️ That he would grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.

️ Protection over his body. I prayed specially over body parts and over his pads, that they would do their job in protecting him.

️That he would grow in his understanding of the game, and excel in every area.

️That he would have an eternal impact on his coaches and his teammates with his words and actions.

️That he would be on purpose to pour into his teammates. I pray he would be an encourager and a leader in every area.

️That he would surprise people with his heart, stamina, and work ethic.

️That he would make memories and learn lessons this seasons that he would carry with him forever.

️That every single player would be safe and become better men because of this season.

️Protection from all fear and that they would be allowed to play their entire season.

️Healthy players

️Wisdom for the coaches and encouragement for them. Pray protection over their families, days of rest and joy in the Lord.

️That angels would encamp about him and the team, guarding and guiding them in all of their ways.

️That he would have the strength of Sampson, the wisdom of Solomon, and the courage of David.


May we turn our fears and worries into prayers , and fill our kids lives with the power of prayer.

 Let's Go Patriots! Can't wait to see you all at the field on Thursday. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Action Needed: Electronic Forms

 Due before the Scrimmage Thursday.

What you will need to do:

1- Click on the link below to go to RankOne






4- You will need to LOGIN or if you are a new student you will need to CREATE AN ACCOUNT.


5- You will need to click on all of the forms to fill out and complete.(5-6 Forms) At the end it should process and tell you that your player is now COMPLIANT.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Scrimmage Thursday, August 20


Thursday, August 20th  Scrimmage @ Metro

5PM- 9th Grade


7PM- Varsity


-As a norm all players suit up for Varsity Games.

-Your player will stay after school at Metro.

-They will be fed a meal at the school around 2:45 PM.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

New Info

You Guys it is the night before school starts!

I have been trying to gather you more information today and here is what I have for you:

1- The players can put their bag of equipment in the locker room in the morning. They will need to plan ahead to be there early to do so. They will have to come through the main doors and then drop off their bag in the locker room. Each day after practice they will have to bring this bag home with them. At this time they cannot leave anything in the locker rooms overnight. They will be sanitizing the locker rooms every day. They should know this. Please remind them.

2- They need to bring a water canister to use during practice. There will be large water containers to refill their canisters.

3- Physicals. They have to be turned in to practice this week. Please contact if you have any questions.

4- OSSAA Electronic Forms will need to be filled out by Wednesday, August 19. Please visit the rank one website and click on the OSSAA link to log in and fill out your form.

5- Scrimmage- Moved to Thursday, August 20 @ Metro.

6- No Saturday Film/Lift August 22

7- We are waiting on approval for a date to meet at the school for our Fall Football Meeting.


I am praying for your boys! Let us pray together for our coaches and teachers as they navigate this new season at Metro. God is so faithful. I know that He is working all this together for his good.

Thursday: Optional Lift after practice


We wanted to add an optional second lift to our schedule after practice on Thursday.  Coach Bearden will run it for any that can make it after practice and running from around 1:45-2:45 on Thursday.

-Coach McCoy

Thursday, August 6, 2020

August 9-15th

August 9-15th

Monday 10           7-9:45 AM

Tuesday 11          7-10:30 AM  (Practice until 9:30 & Lift Until 10:30ish)

Wednesday 12    1:00-3:45  (Classes end 11:35. Bring light lunch to school)

Thursday 13        (7th Hour Starts 10:45 AM) 11-1:45ish

Friday 14             (normal) 2:30-5:15ish 

Please have players bring water and a mask for lifting. 

Please keep in mind this in an estimate. Your player will need to change out of gear and such after practice. I would allow another 15-20 min. 

*We may have heat delays. If we do have a delay Coach McCoy will text me and I will send an email out to everyone letting you all know the new approximate end time. 

I will post this on the website each week so that your player can check practice times for the week. They will also get this information from their coaches. This could change week to week and I will be sure to email that information out weekly by each Sunday night.

Saturday Film & Lift

*Required for Sophomores-Seniors. Freshman strongly encouraged. 

This will start Saturday, August 22 9-11AM 

and continues until the end of the season. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

First Week Of Practice

We have practice times set for 1st day of practice MS & HS. 
 Both will practice Monday & Tuesday Aug 10-11 from 7-9:30am.

This Week: November 28 to December 4

 Hello Everyone!I hope and pray that you had a great Thanksgiving week! I wanted to take a moment to communicate with you what this coming w...